Join Aunonto, our January Education Outreach & Tech Support Intern, to support you with all tech inquiries!
Aunonto will be providing 1 hour tech time sessions now until May 9th.
David and Joyce Milne Public Library
1095 Main St
Williamstown, MA 01267
United States
Join Aunonto, our January Education Outreach & Tech Support Intern, to support you with all tech inquiries!
Aunonto will be providing 1 hour tech time sessions now until May 9th.
One Up Games brings the games to you! Systems include PS4, XBox-S, Switch, and Oculus Quest 2.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Space is limited - sign up for one of the 90-minute gaming sessions (A or B).
Attendees of the program must follow both the Patron Behavior policy and the policy regarding Unattended Children.
The library may photograph attendees of library programs for use in library marketing materials and will notify attendees when doing so, allowing patrons the option to decline participation.
Please join Steve Kurzban, of Berkshire Gamers, for a monthly board game meetup here at the Milne! A wide variety of board games will be played, and adults and teenagers of all levels are welcome.
Attendees of the program must follow both the Meeting Room Policy and the Patron Behavior Policy.
Attendees of the program must follow both the Patron Behavior policy and the policy regarding Unattended Children.
One Up Games brings the games to you! Systems include PS4, XBox-S, Switch, and Oculus Quest 2.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Space is limited - sign up for one of the 90-minute gaming sessions (A or B).
Attendees of the program must follow both the Patron Behavior policy and the policy regarding Unattended Children.
The library may photograph attendees of library programs for use in library marketing materials and will notify attendees when doing so, allowing patrons the option to decline participation.